Silicone Breast ImplantsOne of your critical decisions in breast augmentation, is the choice of breast implant type. Since the FDA approved silicone breast implants in November of 2006, this type of implant has become widely used in the U.S. and abroad. There are many advantages to silicone breast implants including the look and feel. Silicone breast implants are generally considered to result in a more natural looking breast. Silicone breast implants are available to bring your breast size to a B cup, C cup, D cup, DD cup, and even larger. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Silicone Breast Implants Silicone breast implants are the breast implant of choice for thousands of women around the world. Because of the controversy regarding health concerns of silicone breast implants in the 1980’s, the FDA banned silicone breast implants in 1992. During this fourteen year period between 1992 and 2006, silicone was only used in breast implants for purposes of breast reconstruction and in clinical trials. The result of the trials resulted in improvements in the construction of the silicone breast implant. In November of 2006, the FDA once again approved the use of silicone breast implants. Many women prefer silicone implants because they tend to look and feel more natural. As you consider your breast implant options, the following list will help guide you to the information you need for an informed decision.
Top 5 things to know about Silicone Breast Implants: 1) Rupture. The silicone implant is less likely to rupture compared to the popular saline implant due to its thick outer shell. Technological improvements in the structure of the implant have made a more durable implant. Additionally, with the cohesive gel silicone implant, popularly known as gummy bears, the silicone actually holds together upon its unlikely rupture. 2) Incisions. There are three typical incision methods with this type of implant. Women can choose to have the implant inserted through the armpit, under the breast fold or through the nipple. The limitation with silicone implants is that it cannot be inserted through the belly button (known as TUBA). It must also be noted that the silicone breast implant requires a larger incision, which is likely to leave a larger scar. 3) Natural look and feel. Perhaps the biggest benefit to this type of implant is that it will tend to look and feel more natural than saline. With the silicone implants, you are not likely to have the rippling effect which can sometimes occur with saline implants. 4) Expense. One important factor, of course, is cost. If you are interested in silicone you are likely to spend about a thousand dollars more due to the cost of the implant. 5) Breast Implant Size. Silicone breast implants are available in a wide variety of sizes and types. Whether you are interested in a C cup, D cup, DD cup or larger, there is a silicone breast implant to fit you. You should have a thorough discussion with your doctor regarding an appropriate breast implant size. The most common reason women go back for a second or third procedure is simply to change the size of their implant. With all the same costs and risks involved in second surgeries, please take your time to thoroughly investigate this decision. We recommend the use of breast implant sizers to help you choose your size. While it is important to see before and after photos on the internet, nothing can replace the value of actual experience on your own body of various implant sizes. The best way is to actually live with the sizer over a period of at least two weeks with The Purlz™ Breast Implant Sizing System. Try on different sizes until you feel comfortable that you have arrived at a size that works well for you and your body. Silicone breast implants are an increasingly popular option in breast augmentation surgery. There are benefits to all implant types, but silicone should be given careful consideration. Make an informed decision about your breast implant type and size by wearing breast sizers and having a thorough discussion with your doctor.