Questions for My Surgeon

What questions should I ask my breast implant surgeon?

In the process of breast augmentation, after doing some preliminary research, you will need to schedule a consultation with your breast implant surgeon. In the consultation you will have about twenty to thirty minutes to discuss the possibility of proceding with the breast augmentation procedure with the surgeon. It is always a good idea to prepare for this discussion so that you will use your time wisely with the surgeon. If you research the procedure ahead of time through publicly available information such as this article, as well as talking with family and friends, you will be able to focus your discussion on your most important questions concerning your breast implant surgery.

It is also a good idea to meet with at least two or three surgeons prior to making your final decision on which surgeon is right for you to. Each breast implant surgeon approaches their patients and these procedures a bit differently. Therefore, you will want to be prepared to compare each approach. Through a set series of questions you will be able to develop a sense of trust in at least one of the breast implant surgeons, trust which is critical to easing your concerns about the procedure. After your consultations you will be able to reflect upon each meeting with your notes in hand to help make the critical decision about which surgeon to choose.

Questions for My Plastic Surgeon

1) Are you a board certified plastic surgeon?

2) Is breast augmentation your primary area of expertise?

3) How many breast implant procedures do you perform annually?

4) Can I talk with any of your past patients about their experience with you?

5) What are your total costs for breast implant surgery? Can I get an itemized list?

6) How far in advance will I need to schedule my procedure with you?

7) Are there any types of breast implant surgery that you are not certified for? This might especially be important if you are wanting to use the transumbilical (TUBA or belly button breast augmentation) procedure.

8) Do you have before and after photos available of your previous work with breast implants?

9) Where is the procedure performed, in a hospital or surgical center?

10) What breast implant sizes are available through you and how can I be sure of choosing the right breast implant size?

Questions for My Breast Implant Surgeon about Breast Implant Size

One of the questions that you need to ask not only of your breast implant surgeon but also of yourself is what breast implant size is right for you. Did you know that the leading cause for dissatisfaction with breast implant surgery is regret over having chosen the wrong breast implant size? While most women by far report that they are happy that they chose the procedure, some studies show that as many as half of all women wish they had chosen a different size. This is also indicated by the fact that the number one reason that women go back for a second operation is simply to choose a different breast implant size.

This comes as a bit of surprise to a lot of women who are early in the stages of considering breast implant surgery. In many cases the discussion is taken for granted. Far too many simply walk in the breast implant surgeon and say, "Just make me a C cup."

Unfortunately, these studies show that this approach is simply too theoretical to solve the problem. Now there are breast implant sizing systems available on the market which are perhaps the best way to choose your breast implant size. By using breast implant sizers you get the opportunity to basically internalize the decision by walking around for a few days or even a few weeks wearing various breast implant sizes. For example, you might want to try a B cup one week, a C cup the next, even a D cup another. By doing so you can compare your thoughts and emotions by trying out different breast sizes on your own body. It is much better than to simply imagine what you might look and feel like.

In the end only you and your breast implant surgeon can make the critical choices on things like breast implant types, incision methods, sizes and so on. Since you will be making these decisions jointly with your surgeon it is highly critical that you choose one in whom you have a deep sense of trust. Use the questions above as a starting point but add to them with areas of the breast augmentation procedure in which you are unclear.




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