Try on your new breast size with the Purlz Breast Sizing System:
Avoid choosing the wrong breast implant size...the most common reason for patient dissatisfaction. How will you know what breast implant size is right for you until you try them on?
Purlz can be worn throughout the day because they look natural and are soft, lightweight, and extremely comfortable.
This package includes one Sports Bra along with 3 sets of Breast Sizing Purlz. Choose 3 different size options along with your bra size. For a complete trial of your new choice in Breast Sizing Purlz, we recommend trying at least 3 different size options, each size for a week or more at a time. We recommend choosing Purlz sizes at least 50cc's apart. (For example, 250cc and 300cc)
Package Includes:
- Your choice of 3 different Breast Sizing Purlz sets
- 1 Sports Bra
- 1 set of Purlz straps
- 1 package Res-Q Tape
Purlz are tester implants with a unique hook and strap system designed to create a natural looking breast within the system bra. With no pockets necessary in the bra, Purlz is the first breast implant sizing system designed to look and feel natural in all your favorite clothes, and all your favorite activities. Is this the breast implant size you want? How will you know until you try it on for size?
See the difference of various breast implant sizes on your own body. Experience various breast implant sizes before your breast augmentation. Communicate your breast implant size goals with your plastic surgeon before your cosmetic surgery. Avoid the expense and risks of a breast implant revision procedure by choosing your breast implants right the first time. Whether you are getting silicone breast implants or saline implants for your breast enlargement surgery.