Purlz Breast Sizing System 36AA to 36C or 36D
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Purlz Breast Sizing System 36AA to 36C or 36D


Try on your new C and D cup breast sizes with the Purlz™ Breast Sizing System:

  • Avoid choosing the wrong breast implant size...the most common reason for patient dissatisfaction
  • How will you know what breast implant size is right for you until you try them on?
  • Purlz can be worn throughout the day because they look natural and are soft, lightweight, and extremely comfortable.

This package is designed for a woman who currently wears a 36AA bra size, and would like to try the 36C and 36D range.

Package includes one Champion Sports Bra along with 3 sets of Breast Sizing Purlz. For a complete trial of your new choice in Breast Sizing Purlz, we recommend trying at least 3 different size options, each size for a week or more at a time.

Package Includes:

  • 3 different Breast Sizing Purlz sets: 325cc, 375cc, 425cc
  • 1 Sports Bra Size LARGE
  • 1 set of Purlz straps
  • 1 packages Res-Q Tape

If you have not yet met with your doctor, this set of Breast Sizing Purlz will give you approximate ranges of how implants will increase your bra size. Seek advice from a qualified plastic surgeon as to what breast implant size will approximate your desired look resulting from your Purlz Breast Sizing System Test.

If you have already met with your doctor, use the size range they suggested using the product choices on the main product page. You might also want to check our Implant and Bra Size chart.

See the difference of various breast implant sizes on your own body. Experience various breast implant sizes before your breast augmentation. Communicate your breast implant size goals with your plastic surgeon before your cosmetic surgery. Avoid the expense and risks of a breast implant revision procedure by choosing your breast implants right the first time. Whether you are getting silicone breast implants or saline implants for your breast enlargement surgery.

The content of this website is for informational purposes only. This website does not contain medical advice and does not subsititute for a consultation with a qualified board certified plastic surgeon.

  • Model: 36AACD

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