800cc to 2000cc SIZERS

We have received many requests for sizers that go as large as 2000cc's As far as we know, there is no other brand of breast sizer that goes higher than 700cc's. If you are considering an augmentation procedure using large implants, Purlz breast sizers in large, XL and Jumbo sizes will help you to determine the size you really want and how it will actually feel in your new post-operative body. The polypropylene beads which fill our sizers weigh approximately the same by volume as implants and breast tissue. This will help you to understand the weight effect of your enhanced body.

If you have undergone a mastectomy and you are looking for a prosthetic device that will match your remaining breast, these larger sizers may be exactly what you are looking for. Because there is often a concave area left by the mastectomy, you will need a much larger sizer to achieve your original cup size than you would if you were simply placing the sizer over a smaller size breast. Many mastectomy patients have found these sizers to work very well in both weight and size as prosthetics. We recommend that you give the affected area a chance to completely heal before using Purlz sizers as a prosthetic device.

Model Product Image Item Name Price
LPBS Large Purlz Breast Sizers

Large Purlz Breast Sizers

One pair of soft microfiber sizers in sizes 550cc's through 700cc's

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XLPBS Extra Large Purlz Breast Sizers

Extra Large Purlz Breast Sizers

One pair of soft microfiber sizers in sizes 800cc's through 1200cc's

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JBS Jumbo Breast Sizers

Jumbo Breast Sizers

Breast sizers 1600cc's and 2000cc's


New Products For January - 800cc to 2000cc SIZERS

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